TheTVDB Bible

Welcome to! We are the world’s largest metadata solution for TV and Films. All of our information comes from fans like you and is shared with many other sites, mobile apps, and devices. We are an open-source community and are always thrilled to see the site grow. In turn, we’d love to invite you to create a free account and help your favorite shows and movies thrive!

As a general rule (and to keep the database in order) we do request that you read the following rules and guidelines first before you start contributing to the site. They’ll enlighten you on how to navigate the site, address FAQs, and ensure that TheTVDB is always populated with the most accurate, up-to-date information available.

Our rules aim to be very comprehensive, you will find sections on use cases, artwork examples, and more specific questions. Taking the time to read over the knowledge base will make your time as a part of our community more worthwhile!

**FYI — TheTVDB is not a streaming service or platform. It is simply a metadata database used to populate other applications and websites with information about TV series and movies with the help of community crowdsourcing and contributions. You are not able to watch shows or movies on TheTVDB.

A subscription to TheTVDB will provide you with a unique user ID, which you can use in conjunction with certain media center softwares or applications. Again, subscribing to TheTVDB will not allow you to watch series and movies on our site. We simply store information about series and movies.

Please do not subscribe to TheTVDB if you are not interested in accessing our metadata via the API.

TheTVDB Bible

The numbers here represent how many FAQs are listed under each category.

01. Community Ground Rules (4)
02. Television Series (29)
03. Movies (10)
04. Translations (3)
05. Artwork (14)
06. Site-wide Features (2)
07. Navigating (2)
08. Developers + API (9)
09. Anime (2)
10. Sports (3)
11. People (4)

Frequently Asked Questions

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