TheTVDB Bible / 08. Developers + API

As of November 2020, TheTVDB has two models for API access, both of which provide funding that allows us to continue running and improving the site. 

The first is our negotiated license model, which allows commercial companies to negotiate access with us. Large companies have the opportunity to structure a license based on their metadata needs, and soon, smaller companies/projects will be able to sign up for a pre-structured licensing tier to fit their basic needs.

The second model is a user-subscription model. A project or company will apply for a user-supported key, and their individual users can subscribe to TheTVDB to get a PIN that will allow them to access our API in conjunction with a project's user-supported key.

The method in which you will access TheTVDB's API varies based on if you're a developer of your own project, or an end-user of another project. We reserve the right to change our interfaces, fees, or licensing terms at any point without notice.

While extended info can be found in the topics listed below, here are a few key items: 

  • API keys can be created and managed in the API Keys page on your user dashboard (must have a TheTVDB account to access).
  • v4 API documentation can be found here.
  • Known issues and bugs in the API can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

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