TheTVDB Bible / 05. Artwork

General Image Guidelines

Any uploaded image must be free of spoilers, nudity, or vulgarity. Please ensure images are of high quality with no watermarks or unrelated logos, and that they don't appear stretched or squished. 

Watermarks include:

  • URLs
  • Twitter and Instagram handles
  • Artist names
  • Text indicating the photo site the image was obtained from
  • Any other markings, not part of the original art

Stretched, Squished and Small Images

  • Images should not be up-scaled to get to the correct resolution or stretched to fit the required aspect ratio.
  • If they are too big they should be cropped.
  • if they are too small they either shouldn't be used or should be used to make composites. 
  • Badly resized images will be deleted.

Text and Logos

On artwork that allows text: Posters, Backgrounds, Banners, Icons, ClearArt, and ClearLogos
  • They should always be tagged with the primary language they're in.
    • If multiple languages appear choose the language that the majority of text or largest logo is in
    • You can select a language from the drop-down menu when uploading a piece of art. 
    • Artwork containing text which has incorrect or no language chosen will be deleted.
  • If a series/movie uses the same title across multiple languages, of course, the art might be the same for every language.
    • Do not upload the same identical artwork to multiple languages
    • Wherever possible choose the language for whichever audience the artwork was originally intended.
  • Logos that are not the logo of the Movie or Series the art is for, should be avoided if possible. This includes studio or channel logos, DVD or Blu-ray logos, etc
  • Text, like taglines, should be avoided wherever possible. This is especially true for TV artwork at the series level where season and episode-specific text are prohibited.

Image Limits and Upload Bans


Please see each individual artwork type for specific upload guidelines.

Artwork Types (10)

Frequently Asked Questions

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