Frequently Asked Question

Season Level Artwork
Last Updated 2 years ago

Artwork Types

At the season level, 4 artwork types are available. 

General Guidelines

  1. First and foremost season art should follow all general artwork guidelines: no unrelated logos, extraneous writing, nudity, etc.
  2. Artwork must also follow all the regular rules of the specific art type it is being created for

Season Specific Guidelines

  • Season art should always be clearly identifiable, relevant, and specific to the particular season it's being uploaded to. That means that it must contain either:
    • Season identifying words ("Season 1," "The Complete First Season").
    • Season-specific titles/subtitles ("American Horror Story: Coven," "The Haunting of Hill House" vs. "The Haunting of Bly Manor").
    • For backgrounds, images may include no text, so long as they contain a season-specific cast. This rule primarily applies only to reality programming where the cast is different every season. But exceptions may be allowed on a case-by-case basis.
  • If Cast is shown in the artwork it must contain only cast that is appropriate to that season. 
  • One exception to this is artwork for season 1 of a series.
    • To allow for mini-series or single-season shows. Art can follow the rules above, but season 1 artwork does not have to have a season-specific identifier on it. 
  • Besides a season designator artwork must include either season-specific imagery, a series logo or both
  • Season posters added at the series level will be deleted.

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