Frequently Asked Question

How can I apply for a v4 API key?
Last Updated 4 years ago

Before applying for a v4 key, you'll need to decide which method of API access is right for you — licensed, or user-supported. You can find more info on this here.

As a reminder, with our v4 API, API keys are no longer given out to individual end users of projects. The projects themselves will apply for a key, and their users will either be able to automatically access the data within the project, or will need to enter a subscriber PIN to do so. End users should check with each individual project/product they use to determine if a subscription is necessary to access the data through their system. Read more about subscriptions here.

How to apply for a v4 API key:

  1. Create or log into your TheTVDB account.
  2. From TheTVDB homepage, navigate to your Dashboard using the dropdown menu in the upper right.
  3. In the menu on the left, under Account, click on API Keys.
  4. In the Developers box on the right, click Create a v4 API Key.
  5. Fill out the required fields, which include Project Name, Project Description (include information about how TheTVDB's metadata will be used, expected audience, etc.), Company Name, Company Email, and Company Description. You can also check the beta tester box if you want to join our group of beta testers to enjoy early access to the v4 API and be the first to provide feedback.
  6. On this same page, you’ll also need to decide which method of funding your project will use. If you want to enter into a licensed agreement with TheTVDB, you would select Negotiated Contract. If you want to require your end users to subscribe to TheTVDB and obtain a PIN that they can use in conjunction with your project key, you would select End-User Subscriptions.
  7. Check the box to agree to the Terms of Service.
  8. Click Create Key.
  9. Approval: 
    1. If you selected End-User Subscriptions: your key will be automatically approved and ready for use.
    2. If you selected Negotiated Contract: Your key will enter a queue of keys waiting to be approved, where the details you entered in step 4 will be reviewed. Our sales team will contact you to discuss terms, and your API key will remain inactive until it is reviewed + approved. Once approved, you’ll get an email notification letting you know that your key free to use. If your key is denied for any reason, you’ll receive an email notifying you of this as well.

Remember, the End-User Subscriptions model will require each of your end users to create a subscription, which will supply them with a PIN. Your project must allow the user to enter their unique PIN, and include it in your authentication call. Developers of projects may begin development immediately by creating a single subscription account for yourself, and use your own PIN for authentication. You are prohibited from sharing a PIN for multiple users, and measures have been put in place to prevent this. Your access may be shut off at any time, and/or legal action may be pursued.

FYI, a user’s PIN will work across all projects that license TheTVDB’s API in a user-supported model.

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