Frequently Asked Question

Which API model is right for my company/project?
Last Updated 4 years ago

Starting in November 2020, requesting access to TheTVDB’s metadata via our API will differ based on the way in which you plan to access it. v4 API keys are now per-project, and not for use by individual users.

API keys

Again, v4 API keys are now project-based, and not for use by individual users. Individual users looking to access a specific project will likely need a subscriber PIN to use in conjunction with the project-supplied API key. More on PINs later.

As a developer, obtaining a v4 API key for your project is similar to the way you’d request a key in the past. However, now there are two options for the way your project can access the metadata — licensed or user-supported.

Licensed vs. User-supported API Keys

Developers from each company or project will select their preferred access method — licensed or user-supported — when applying for a key.

All API keys are required to have either a commercial license, or have subscriptions enabled for end users.

Licensed API Keys (Negotiated Contracts)

The licensing process is not new — this is how the API key request process worked prior to the launch of v4. With this method, companies and projects enter into a contract with us and are given an API key. License fees are based primarily on usage, company size, and how the data is used. 

User-Supported API Keys (End-User Subscriptions)

This is new. Some companies and projects can’t or don’t want to license API access directly. If this describes you + your project, you now have the option to pass along any cost to end users by applying for a user-supported API key. This would require all end users of a project to sign up for a user subscription to access your project’s API. More info on user subscriptions here.

Developers signing up for an API key should meet/understand the following conditions:

  • I am a developer of an app, website, or service.
  • I understand that I will be granted only a v4 API key, which may need to be manually verified by TheTVDB's licensing team.
  • I understand that after subscribing, my API key will be shown in my dashboard.
  • I understand that my previous API key, if I had one, can continue to be used until early 2021, but only with the legacy APIs.

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