Frequently Asked Question

Formula 1 / Auto Racing
Last Updated 4 years ago

As of August 2020, we've started allowing Formula 1 and other auto records to be maintained on TheTVDB.

The current racing series we maintain are: 

Formula 1

Our current Formula 1 entry can be found here.

For seasons 2018 onwards, F1TV will be used as the official network. All Practice, Qualifying and Race sessions have been included in our entry as these are part of the official event each weekend and are broadcast live in their entirety on F1TV. Pre-season testing for Seasons 2019 and 2020 has also been included for this reason.

As all Practice, Qualifying and Race sessions were also aired live on multiple networks (e.g Sky Sports, NBC/ESPN) between 2012 and 2017, these will also be added when time allows. We've locked Seasons 2018, 2019 and 2020 as these are considered complete, but haven't locked the entry at series level — so, anyone who is willing can help add previous seasons. Please note, as these were not aired on F1TV, the network field for these "episodes" should be left blank.

For seasons prior to 2012, it is extremely important to remember that we are a TV database, not a sports database. We will therefore only be listing sessions that aired on TV. Our research shows all qualifying and race sessions from 1996 onwards were aired live on at least British television. F1 Digital also broadcast practice sessions between July 1996 and the end of the 2002 season so all of these sessions will be permitted. Other sessions may be added if a legitimate source can be provided that shows they aired on TV.

With regard to individual pre-race build up and post race analysis on the various networks around the World, these will be allowed if the network lists them as separate "shows" to the main race. For example, please see this screenshot which shows Sky Sports pre-race build up (Grand Prix Sunday) and post race analysis (Chequered Flag) listed as separate shows to the main race. We've therefore created entries for Grand Prix Sunday and Chequered Flag accordingly. This process should be followed for similar shows in other countries if desired.

We will delete Formula 1 Race Edits once we've added previous seasons to the new entry.

Other Auto Racing

All other auto racing records should be maintained in a similar way to Formula 1. They all have seasons which follow the calendar year and are all aired on various networks worldwide. As such, the network field should be left blank on these records.

Other sports are still not allowed but can be discussed on a case by case basis.

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