Frequently Asked Question

Last Updated 3 years ago

Basic Characteristics

  • Dimensions: 1000x562 pixels
  • Initial upload can only be png as only .pngs can have transparency.
  • The initial upload needs to be at least the dimensions listed above. This is an attempt to force higher quality.
  • Max upload size is now 10MB, but post-crop the file size will be aligned with our current images.
  • Available on: series and movies


Mandatory Elements

  • ClearArt should contain images of character(s) or highly recognizable major items from the series,
  • A recognizable series or movie logo. 
  • Use transparency in areas not filled with characters, logos, etc.
    • No solid backgrounds
  • ClearArt should not use background glows unless it is relevant to the artwork.
    • Any ClearArt containing glows may be deleted
  • Do not cut off the sides of any image.
    • If absolutely necessary part of the image can be cropped on the bottom or right side
  • Do not cut off  the top of the character's heads
  • Do not crop off any part of the logo.

Additional Guidelines

  • If possible remove background elements like buildings, but please avoid cutting off/cropping relevant parts of the image. 
    • Poorly cropped images or images with jagged edges will be deleted.
  • If you need to crop a square edge on ClearArt, please do so on the bottom right. 
    • Please do not crop an image on the top or left-hand sides.
  • The image should not waste available space. 
    • This doesn't mean overfilling the image, but rather an image that doesn't attempt to use the full height or width may be denied.
  • No text other than the logo should be present. This means no taglines or season titles.
  • The background must not bleed through the image.  

Images That Would Be Denied

(Click images for full size examples)

Unnecessary or Improper Cropping

Cropping is allowed if necessary on the bottom and right. But never on the top or left sides of an image.

Bad Crop

Image Contains No Logo

No Logo

Poor Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio was not maintained.

Poor Aspect

Background Bleeds Through

Too much was removed from the image. It appears alright on a dark background but is problematic on others. Make sure to check your images against multiple background colors.

Background Bleed

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