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Front-end Site — Releases for Bug Fixes, New Features & Changes
Last Updated 3 years ago

Update Aril 27, 2022

Updates to the site are released approximately every two weeks

In an effort to increase transparency, we're now posting release notes for our web interface. All future release notes will be available on our GitHub releases page: you can follow that page for updates.

Alternatively, you can follow our social media feeds to be notified of these updates and other items we feel you should be aware of.

If you are a developer interested in our API and its releases and documentation please check out:

To gain insight into the bug fixes and improvements TheTVDB Team is making related to the site, please see the threads related to our releases below. If you experience any problems related to this work, please make a ticket.

Released 4/7/22 - WEB v3.4.2, addressed the following issues in the site:

  1. Adding artwork by URL - This was a nice enhancement we added to the site and should be available on all uploads by pasting a URL link into the tool.
  2. Airs Before and Airs After and Critical to Storyline are all mandatory fields on Specials now. This will assist downstream systems in placing the Specials in the appropriate order related to the storyline.
  3. Prevent the reissue of a Special Episode # - This request was honored to avoid messing up user's libraries. The expected behavior is that users shouldn't be able to edit episode numbers in the Specials season. The DB will just issue the next available episode number.
  4. Some People didn't have their URL set correctly. This was fixed. It affected about 4700 People records (with mostly non-latin names).
  5. Minor design tweaks to the site and improvements to the Earn Points feature.
  6. People mergers will retain remote IDs - Remote IDs were getting deleted upon a merger (a mod only feature). This has been fixed.
  7. Remote IDs on Companies were getting deleted on edit - This has been fixed.

Released 3/9/22 - Web v3.4.1, addressed the following issues related to the site:

  1. Users may have experienced this long standing ... a user logs out and logs back in and when they navigate to another page it looks like they are logged out and then they go to another page and are logged in. It's confusing. This is related to a cache header issue that we resolved. 
  2. We've made a lot of cosmetic improvements to our Earn Points page. Check out the new modals and layout!
  3. We've added a freeform field for mods to notify users.
  4. Artwork notifications were breaking other notifications. We have fixed this.

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